would it be enough
even though it's been featured to death on the web by now, i still can't get over how amazing jose gonzalez's cover of "heartbeats" by the knife is. and it's got three great videos!
jose gonzalez - heartbeats (official video)
jose gonzalez - heartbeats (graffiti research led throwies video)
jose gonzalez - heartbeats (sony video - the best one!)
what does it say about art and commerce that i saw the official video for the first time today but have been watching the ads that feature the song for months? probably not much.
####i have to call korea for work in five minutes - time for some upbeat transnational calling music!
talking heads - the book i read
trinidad steel drummers - cissy strut
glc - spaceship '06
damn, i love steel drums! esp funky covers.
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